
Rosary Text Offline iOS app (iPhone, iPad)

  Rosary offline app for the iPhone and iPad Learn the text of the rosary. Get it from the App store   Rosary Offline iOS What is new in version 1.13:  German language added. What is new in version 1.11:  New prayers added for all languages. What is new in version 1.10:  Available languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Slovak, Polish. French and Italian languages now have both option for traditional Our father and new version from pope Francis. The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events in the history of our salvation. There are twenty mysteries reflected upon in the Rosary, and these are divided into the five Joyful Mysteries (said on Monday and Saturday), the five Luminous Mysteries (said on Thursday), the five Sorrowful Mysteries (said on Tuesday and Friday), and the five Glorious Mysteries (said on Wednesday and Sunday). As an exception, the Joyful Mysteries are said on Sundays during Christmas, while the ...

Rosário Santo Español iOS, iPhone

Rosário Santo Español iOS, iPhone Rosario y Letanía de espíritu santo en lengua española audio para orar fuera de línea para uso incluso en coche, en autobús, caminando. Lunes, Sábado - Misterios gozosos Martes, Viernes - Misterios dolorosos Miércoles, Domingo - Misterios gloriosos Jueves - Misterios luminosos La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Letanía Lauretana (Loreto) Rosário Santo Español iOS, iPhone   Android Stores Google Play Amazon Samsung Huawei   Paypal If you liked my apps and would like to donate small amount, here is my  PayPal  account     Christian t-shirts If you would like to buy Christian T-shirts or Christian gifts , here is my shop. Thank you very much 🙂  

Rosário português áudio santo iOS, iPhone

Rosário português áudio santo iOS, iPhone Rosário com gravações de rosários Compartilhe com seus amigos :-) + Capela da Divina Misericórdia   + Ladainha do Espírito Santo + Ladainha Lauretana de Loreto + Terço da Divina Misericórdia + Oração do Credo + Oração de Libertação contra do Mal   + Oração de Jesus (do Coração) + Salmo 23 - O Senhor é o meu pastor + Pai Nosso + Glória ao Pai + Ave Maria + Via sacra (Crúcis) Domingos - Mistérios gozosos Segundas-feiras - Os Mistérios gozosos Terças-feiras - Os Mistérios dolorosos Quartas-feiras - Os Mistérios gloriosos Quintas-feiras - Os Mistérios gozosos (Opcional: Mistérios luminosos) Sextas-feiras - Os Mistérios dolorosos Sábados - Os Mistérios gloriosos A palavra Rosário significa "Coroa de Rosas". Nossa Senhora revelou a muitos que todas as vezes que se diz uma Ave Maria é como se se desse à Ela uma linda rosa e que com cada Rosário completo se Lhe dá uma coroa de rosas. A rosa é a ra...

Różaniec audio polski iOS, iPhone

Różaniec audio polski iOS, iPhone Różaniec audio polski może być modlona za pomocą słuchawek podczas chodzenia lub w samochodzie. Podziel się z przyjaciółmi. Poniedziałek – tajemnice radosne Wtorek – tajemnice bolesne Środa – tajemnice chwalebne Czwartek – tajemnice światła Piątek – tajemnice bolesne Sobota – tajemnice radosne Niedziela – tajemnice chwalebne Litania Ducha Świętego Korona Bożego Miłosierdzia Litania Loretańska Litania do Ducha Świętego Wierzę w Boga - Skład Apostolski Modlitwa wyzwolenia Modlitwa Jezusa Psalm 23 Ojcze Nasz Chwała Ojcu Zdrowaś Maryjo Modlitwę różańcową rozpoczynamy od znaku krzyża świętego. Całujemy krzyżyk i kreślimy nim na sobie znak krzyża mówiąc: „W imię Ojca i Syna, i Ducha Świętego.” Tym krótkim wyznaniem wiary w Trójcę Świętą i zaproszeniem Boga, by był obecny w naszej modlitwie, rozpoczyna się każda rozmowa z Bogiem. Mówimy Bogu, aniołom, ludziom, a także uświadamiamy samym sobie, że to, co teraz będz...

Rosary & Prayerbook Text Offline iOS, iPhone

Rosary & Prayerbook Offline iOS, iPhone Christian prayers in English, French and Spanish language. You can share with your friends. Rosary English:   Monday, Saturday - Joyful Mysteries,   Tuesday, Friday - Sorrowful Mysteries,   Wednesday, Sunday - Glorious Mysteries,   Thursday - Luminous Mysteries,   The Lord's Prayer - Our Father,   Hail Mary, Glory Be,   The Apostle's Creed,   Deliverance Prayer Against Every Evil,   Hail Holy Queen,   Chaplet of Divine mercy,   Litany of the Holy Ghost / Spirit,   Ten Commandments,   Saint Michael Prayer,   Morning Offering,   Grace Before and After Meals,   Guardian Angel Prayer,   7 Deadly Sins & 7 Heavenly Virtues,   Six things the Lord hates Prayer for deliverance against evil: Spirit of our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary, angels, archangels, and saints of h...

Online Radio Player

Online Radio Player Internet radio player with bluegrass, country, gospel, oldies, pop, jazz, disco, classic, rock, dance, blues, folk, hip hop, ambient, chillout, jpop, kpop, cpop, salsa, bass, r&b, rock & roll, techno, christian, hits, top 40, balkan, bollywood, meditation, nature, romanian, reggaeton, schlager, rusyn, gipsy radio stations.   If you would like to add your favourite internet radio, let me know. Online Radio Player iOS, iPhone

Pregnancy Info Week by Week

Pregnancy Info Week by Week Find out what your baby looks like during pregnancy weeks and what to do, what to avoid.   No registration is needed. Enter date of your last period and the app will calculate in which pregnancy week you are now. 3 trimesters, 40 weeks.   1st trimester | 2nd trimester | 3rd trimester What happens in the first month of pregnancy? Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters. Each trimester is a little longer than 13 weeks. The first month marks the beginning of the first trimester. Most people think of pregnancy as lasting 9 months. And it’s true that you’re pregnant for about 9 months. But because pregnancy is measured from the first day of your last menstrual period — about 3-4 weeks before you’re actually pregnant — a full-term pregnancy usually totals about 40 weeks from LMP — roughly 10 months. Many people don’t remember exactly when they started their last menstrual period — that’s OK. The surest way to find out gestational age e...